
About project

Vestivolt needed promotional materials for their festival. To accomplish this, I designed products inspired by their current branding and visual identity.

Live Project
Stichting Vestivolt


Vestivolt is known for its use of green energy, reflected in their logo's lightning bolt shape. For this festival's poster, I decided to integrate this principle into the design. I created everything with illustrations with sharp shapes to mimic the look and feel of electricity in the design. In this instance, I also utilized lightning bolts to enhance the imagery around the logo itself.

Poster voor de promotie van het Vestivolt festival waarin het logo omringt wordt door bliksemschichten waaronder de plaats en datum staan.

Facebook Page

For the Facebook page, I applied the same information from the poster to the banner, but with a different aspect ratio to ensure that every visitor sees the information. Additionally, I created Facebook posts, such as the example below. These posts feature similar announcements about artists, with an image and abstract shapes that follow the essence of Vestivolt's visual style.

De Facebook pagina van Vestivolt met een banner die dezelfde info als de poster uitbeeld, waarbij er ook een post zichtbaar is die over een artiest gaat die op het festival gaat optreden.

Beer Coasters

For the beer coasters, I positioned the logo at the top as the focal point, with the location and date on the sides. The electricity at the ends reinforces this positioning by pointing to it. Additionally, I placed lines around the coaster's edge where the names of the artists and their performance times are displayed. This creates a clear structure that directly aligns with the design's aesthetics.

Vestivolt bierviltjes waarop bovenin het logo met de locatie en tijd staat, met daaronder de artiesten en de tijden waarop hun optreden.
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