
About project

In this project, the collaboration between the food and beverage company Stad&Vat and the café De Zwarte Olifant takes center stage. Stad&Vat was creating a new whiskey liqueur exclusively available at De Zwarte Olifant, and the objective of this project was to name it and effectively promote it.

Live Project
Stad&Vat en De Zwarte Olifant

Concept Board

In the concept board I created for this project, all design guidelines have been established, including color choice, typography, and imagery. Through calm yet clear typography and warm colors reflecting the pleasant atmosphere of De Zwarte Olifant, this served as an effective reference point during the design process.

Het conceptbord voor het Stad&Vat project waarin alle richtlijnen voor de ontwerpen staan, waaronder kleurkeuze, typografie en beeldgebruik.

Front Label

For the front label of the new whiskey liqueur, I came up with the name 'Black and Beautiful.' This name subtly references the name of the café. The label follows the same design guidelines as the rest of the Stad&Vat front labels.

Het front label voor de nieuwe whiskey likeur van Stad&Vat met de naam 'Black and Beautiful'.

Back Label

I divided the back label into three sections to emphasize the subdivision of information and give the label the shape of a barrel. Additionally, Stad&Vat needed a clear, simplistic explanation of their production process. I achieved this by providing an explanation accompanied by three illustrations.

Het back label voor de nieuwe whiskey likeur van Stad&Vat die gevormd is als een vat en waarop het productieproces van whiskey staat uitgelegd met hulp van illustraties.


For the billboard poster of this project, I emphasized the new whiskey liqueur by prominently featuring it, along with text in an angled panel next to it. To further enhance the image, I placed the logo of De Zwarte Olifant in another angled panel, similar to that of Stad&Vat. Both panels are transparent, allowing the warm background to show through, establishing a direct connection between the two.

De poster voor de promotie van de nieuwe Stad&Vat whiskey likeur die de samenwerking met De Zwarte Olifant in beeld brengt.

Stad&Vat App

Lastly, I designed the Stad&Vat app, optimizing the content of their website for mobile use. I fully applied their branding to maintain visual coherence. Additionally, it includes a product page featuring the latest whiskey liqueur, ensuring that customers don't overlook it.

Het ontwerp voor de Stad&Vat app, waarin de content van de website is aangepast voor optimaal mobiel gebruik.
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