
About project

Tradebee is a company that bridges the gap between entrepreneurs and intercontinental export. For them, I have designed a suitable logo.

Live Project

Design Process 1

First, I experimented with hexagonal shapes to reference the 'bee' in Tradebee, drawing on the association with bees. I designed these concepts with varying levels of complexity. Additionally, I created several design concepts for the wordmark.

Deel 1 van de Tradebee logo concepten, waarin er veel wordt geëxperimenteerd met hexagonale vormen en typografie.

Design Process 2

Ultimately, I opted for the fully horizontal wordmark. Then, I continued experimenting with the hexagonal shapes, focusing on a minimalist design approach.

Deel 2 van de Tradebee logo concepten, waarin er extra wordt geëxperimenteerd met de hexagonale vormen.

Design Process 3

In the final stages, I settled on the logos at the top and also included golden variants with a different typography. This was done to provide the client with more options.

Deel 3 van de Tradebee logo concepten, waarin er 2 verschillende richtingen worden weergegeven op basis van het verschil tussen de typografie en de kleuren blauw en goud.

Logo Design

In the end, we concluded that the gold-black version best aligns with Tradebee's vision. The hexagonal shapes fit together seamlessly, despite being different sizes and colors. The same applies to the typography.

Het definitieve ontwerp voor het nieuwe Tradebee logo.


I have also created examples of how Tradebee's brand identity can be enriched with the logo. Immediate recognizability is achieved, and it can be used as a basis for other aspects of the brand identity.

Voorbeelden van hoe het logo kan worden toegepast in onder anderen briefpapier, enveloppen, visitekaartjes en mobiele apps.
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